Outline of the course

Here's an insight to what's included

    1. A few key questions to begin

    2. Lets begin - Goal setting

    1. An introduction to the Programme with Dr Helen Monk

    2. 1. An introduction to the programme

    3. 1. Handbook - Introduction to the Programme

    4. 2. Introduction to General Inflammation

    5. 2. Handbook Intro - General Inflammation

    6. 3. Core Elements for the Programme

    7. 3. Handbook Intro - The Core Elements

    1. 1. Food as Medicine

    2. Quiz - Food as Medicine

    3. 1. Handbook Nutrition - Food as Medicine

    4. 2. Food as Information

    5. 2. Quiz- Food as Information

    6. 2. Handbook Nutrition - Food as Information

    7. 3. Eating WFPB to Optimise Recovery

    8. 3. Quiz - Eating WFPB to Optimise Recovery

    9. 3. Handbook Nutrition - Eating WFPB to Optimise Recovery

    10. 4. Our Gut and Brain Recovery Optimisation

    11. 4. Quiz - Our Gut and Brain Recovery Optimisation

    12. 4. Handbook Nutrition - Gut Health and our Weight

    13. 5. What not to eat

    14. 5. Quiz - What not to eat

    15. 5. Handbook Nutrition - What Not to Eat

    16. 6. What to Drink to improve your Brain Recovery

    17. 6. Quiz - What to Drink

    18. 6. Handbook Nutrition - What to Drink

    19. 7. Sustainable Eating

    20. 7. Quiz - Sustainable Eating

    21. 7. Handbook - Sustainable Eating

    22. 8. Food ideas to get started with now!

    23. 8. Nutrition- Fasting to help brain healing

    24. 9.FEAST to help brain recovery

    1. 1 Introduction to Movement

    2. 1 Handbook - Introduction to Movement

    3. 1. Handbook Movement - Introduction to Movement

    4. 2. Movement Guidelines

    5. 2.Quiz - Movement Guidelines

    6. 2. Handbook Movement - The Guidelines

    7. 3. Aerobic Exercise

    8. 3. Quiz - Aerobic Exercise

    9. 3. Handbook Movement - Aerobic exercise

    10. 4. Resistance Exercise

    11. 4. Quiz - Resistance Exercise

    12. 4. Handbook Movement - Resistance exercise

    13. 5. Flexibility and Balance

    14. 5. Quiz - Flexibility and Balance

    15. 5. Handbook Movement - Flexibility and Balance

    16. 6. Not Sitting

    17. 6. Quiz - Not Sitting

    18. 6. Handbook Movement - Not Sitting

    1. 1. Introduction to Mind Management

    2. 1. Quiz - Mind Management

    3. 1. Handbook Mind - Introduction

    4. 2. The Neuroendocrine system & Inflammation

    5. 2. Quiz - Neuroendocrine system & Inflammation

    6. 2. Handbook Mind - Neuroendocrine system & Inflammation

    7. 3. Connectivity

    8. 3. Quiz - Connectivity

    9. 3. Handbook Mind - Connectivity

    10. 4. Purpose in Life

    11. 4. Quiz - Purpose in Life

    12. 4. Handbook Mind - Purpose in Life

    13. 5. Positive Psychology

    14. 5. Quiz - Positive Psychology

    15. 5. Handbook Mind - Positive Psychology

    16. 6. Challenging ourselves - Out of our Comfort Zone

    17. 6. Quiz - Challenging ourselves

    18. 6. Handbook Mind - Challenging Ourselves

    1. 1. Introduction to Sleep

    2. 1.Quiz - Introduction to Sleep

    3. 1. Handbook Sleep - Introduction to Sleep

    4. 2. Normal Sleep

    5. 2. Quiz - Normal Sleep

    6. 2. Handbook Sleep - Normal Sleep

    7. 3. Sleep & Performance

    8. 3. Quiz - Sleep & Performance

    9. 3. Handbook Sleep - Sleep & Performance

Introduction to brain recovery and optimisation course

  • £110.00
  • 90 lessons
  • Introduction